3D Product Portfolio
Case Study-01
LixSmart-Smart Trash Bin
LixSmart is an automated waste management unit that can drive itself and unload autonomously. Project was commissioned to me in 2020 during COVID by BrownRobotics
Client wanted to automate manual trash handling operation. I started the design by building the concept illustrations, After approval I prepared detailed engineered model with integration of 2 cameras 5 ultrasonic sensors, Accelerometer, load cell sensor, Radar , Computer vision & GPS navigation system.
Solidworks design, Technical drawings, Bill of Material and Realistic rendering were handed over to client and project was approved for prototyping

Case Study-02
DroneX-Sniper Drone
DroneX is a prototype drone equipped with purpose built sniper rifle for private property over watch and executive protection. Project was commission to me by passionate entrepreneur Akiva
Clients goal was to arm the existing drone to establish strong over watch of the private property. Main design challenge was recoil stability. I started with the aerodynamic calculations and flow simulations of CAD model prepared from scratch. Design was integrated with specially researched stabilization method.
End deliverables were prepared in the form of 3D printable drone parts, Component specifications sheet and programming codes for flight control

My Distinguished Clients